Tualatin Waterway, Art opening, and more!
'Tualatin Waterway', 8x8" Pastel on sanded paper ©Brenda Boylan

Painting out with Scott Gellatly at
Tualatin River Wildlife Refuge. (photo by Susan Jensen)
'Fieldways' 12x9" Pastel on sanded paper ©Brenda Boylan
Went out to a new painting location called the Tualatin River Wildlife Refuge. It is a beautiful area located between King City and Sherwood, Oregon that has walking paths, waterways, lush fields, bird sanctuary and wildlife galore! The perfect place for a nature lover. I was able to plunk out 3 pieces in the short stay I was there, but still feeling a little rusty after the winter's grip.

'Midday Haze' 6x8" Pastel on sanded paper ©Brenda Boylan
This one was painted with an orange underpainting of pastel and turpenoid. I loved the color intereaction when I added the blue on top. The colors just vibrate!
Then on Saturday my family and I took the 3 hour drive up to Tacoma, WA. to attend my opening at The American Art Co. It's a beautiful, well established gallery chalk full of impressive work from the Northwest. I'm so proud to be the newest member of this gallery. Here I am with all nine pieces up on display for the first time as a collection. Nice job, eh?

A place to present my work at it's best! American Art Co. in Tacoma, WA.
My next event will be this Friday evening, participating in the Trilogy at the Allison Inn located in Newberg, OR. I will be one of eighteen selected artists who will create a work of art while the guests get to sip delicious wine. When we have completed our work we then enjoy a winemaker's dinner with the guests followed by the oral art auction. Framing the piece will be tricky this time around and I have taken every step to ensure I use my time effectively. This event benefits the Chehalem Valley Chamber of Commerce and the Oregon Special Olympics.
Great pictures!, Congratulations!
I absolutely love the colours and light in your works, Brenda. Enjoy Friday - it sounds like an excellent idea for an event!
Lovely work
Gorgeous work, Brenda, both the plein airs and in the gallery! I see no evidence of rust at all. I hope the show goes very well!
Hi Brenda, you keep writing that you are "rusty" ...but I just don't see it! Beautiful paintings, congratulations on the new gallery....high five!
Thanks Sergio, I really appreciate your comment!
HI Caroline, thanks so much and yes, I'm really thrilled about this new gig at the Allison. Should be interesting.
Thanks Delilah. :)
Hey Donna, I guess I feel rusty because of my age, or is it from all that Oregon rain? LOL.
Celeste, muchas gracias on the gallery. It's close by the Tacoma Art museum, so hoping for a bit of traffic. :)
Wonderful looking show Brenda- congrats!
Thanks Susan. When I first entered the gallery it was a surprise to see it all up upon one wall like that. Thanks again!
Excellent work! I look forward to seeing more.
Very inspiring blog!
Dear Brenda,
Thanks for your comment on my FB post. I appreciate it! Hope this event goes well for you. I do many of these types of things and they are fun. I think I also saw that you are on the TotoBobo page. I use one of these masks too. I'm originally from the Portland area and would LOVE to paint with you sometime when I'm up there visiting my daughter. Would you be interested?
Your work is just beautiful. So glad to connect.
Hi Mary, that would be great! As we all know how the internet has connected many artists, it's always fun to meet in person too! So, let's go paint!
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