Plein Air Painters of Oregon Annual Show

On any given day, those on the web and use email for much of their I know you do....get emails like there are flies on poop! Yes, I know that sounds harsh, but really, we get these emails and some go unopened for a week before we know what we have. This goes for me especially. Like today, I finally opened one up that looked like it could be spam, but not sure of the sender, however the subject line seemed legit. "Congratulations on your paintings!" Hmmm....thank goodness it didn't get dumped in the trash because it was a notice that my work "Dahlias In Cornelius" and "Edge of Summer" was accepted into the Plein Air Painters of Oregon's Annual show. These two pieces will be hanging with a total of 40 works painted plein air and the subject is purely Oregon. WOOHOOO! Can you tell I'm excited!
Here's the details...
"Celebration Oregon!" Plein Air Exhibition
In honor of Oregon's 150th birthday
October 1-31, 2009
Bend, Oregon
Cindy Briggs, juror.
Congrats Brenda...beautiful paintings. Good thing you didn't trash the email.
The trees in the foreground are done so very well, airy, as trees should be. A lot of people can't quite capture that, nice job. Both are lovely, lovely blog.
Beautiful work, Brenda! And congrats on being accepted into the show!
Hi Loriann and Tina! Yes, I'm glad I didn't trash the email! Happens too much these days with all that comes in.
Tina, I never thought of trees as being airy and now I'm thinking this is an attribute I'll have to reach for next time I paint a tree. Thanks for your comment on it...I appreciate it!
Katherine, Thanks! Have you dried up since the dip? I'll have to check your blog.
See ya all online!
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