Local 14 show news

What a show! Here I am on Thursday, opening night at the Local 14 show. The evening was really festive and well attended. It was nice to see some familiar faces. Here I am with my smile on next to my "panel" of work. You may recognize some of the work behind me from previous posts. The favorite piece, as predicted by my friend, was "Cherry Bowl" that sold right away. The show closed last night, Sunday at 5 pm, and in a matter of minutes what was left was put away and taken home and the walls were emptied. I've marveled at how this works because after many shows with 2 hour set ups and near minute tear downs, the tear down wins in timeliness, hands down! Once a friend and I tore down an entire tent with walls and art loaded back into the van in 20 minutes! Wow! Anyway, I'm off to submit my work to a number of upcoming shows and I will post those as I receive info.
Wow...looks great. Wish I could have been there!
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