Little Lava Lake, 9x12 & Studio Sale update

As I was preparing for my Studio Sale/Christmas show, I stumbled across a pile of artwork that was somehow squirreled away in a portfolio in my closet. Now, this either tells me that I'm losing my memory or I'm a pack rat! Maybe someday I will find a stash of exotic treasures hidden away next time I'm preparing for a show! After all, I have been clearing out all my "stuff" and it has proven to be a much needed cleansing.
This one (above) was painted last summer on my trip to the Central Oregon area and had somehow escaped me. Like finding a lost friend, I looked at it with fresh eyes and decided it was a nice piece after all! Always the critic within!
Anyway, I'm glad to announce that my Open Studio went very well! We figured around 5o or so visitors that found homes for 22 pieces of art! To market this event I used Facebook, email, and standard mailers. Interesting enough, the most successful method of promotion was primarily a combination of both email and Facebook. The traditional snail-mail had the least amount of return.
Michele, me and Christine at my Open Studio
I always seem to be "laughing' in every post! Gosh, maybe a shot of me with my mouth closed would be nice, huh? As a testament to my friends, they are a great support and am so glad to have such a great group who support me and my ambitions. And now the new work begins!
Labels: art show, lake, landscape, Little Lava Lake, Open Studio, Oregon landscape painting
haha...funny before I read that you are "always laughing" I was thinking you are super-pretty. Keep doing whatever it is that you do for your photos because your photos are always great! Congratulations on the sales. Sorry I missed it!
Gosh thanks Celeste! You were missed as well as the other PPA&SP members! I may have to do this again next was so much fun!
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