Best of America Pastel Series!

It's here, it's here!
Today I received my copy of The Best of America Pastel Artists Volume II.
It's a soft bound, glossy book. You know the kind. It's really nice too. I didn't realize what this really meant until I opened up the book and saw the work of pastelists Dawn Emerson, Alan Flattman, and Albert Handell! Gosh, I'm hanging with the big boys now. But as every art publication goes, it's stuffed with other accomplished pastelists whose names may not ring a bell, like me. My work is presented in the "America Pastel A ~ J" book, but there is also an "America Pastel K ~Z" book that completes the set.
Two of my pieces were selected for this publication and announced back in August of '09 and the book is now available for purchase. You can get yours here. for $42.95 + s/h.
You ARE a Somebody!! ;)
You think? I remember when I told you about the time I stuck my foot in my mouth and said "I'm just a nobody!" Maybe my foot has landed back on the ground running....
Congradulations, Brenda, being right along side the pros. I can't wait to buy the book.
Congratulations on the book! That IS very exciting!
Thanks Suzanne and Loriann!
I'm still glowing!
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