Color Study #5

Color Study #5
This is color study #5 and I am thrilled with the outcome of this study! It is "supposed" to be a split complementary color study of Blue, Red-orange, and Yellow-orange, but I think it looks more like a regular complimentary study. My use of oranges was limited in the values and use of the orange compliments, but just the same I think it really pops! I also used a broken color method of applying the pastel, letting the underpainting of Red-orange show through the marks of blue. The source photo I took at the Pittock Mansion in Portland in the morning with cool blue lighting from a North facing window. Here are some comments from my WetCanvas friends on this piece. My next study will be on Triadic colors. Here is my palette:

Labels: analogous colors, blue, dishes, morning light, orange, Split Complimentary, table setting
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