Color Study #6 6x6

Color Study #6
Well, after posting Color Study #5, I wasn't completely satisfied with the outcome of the split complimentary study, even though I really like the painting. So instead of moving forward with the Triadic study that I had intended, I attempted another Split-Complimentary study. This time I used the colors blue-green, red, and orange. This really works for me! And the color just POPS! I'm also including the process of how I did this study, with all the steps below. I used an under-painting of each particular color's compliment. Sound confusing? Yup, it is. But I am sure happy with this one definitely! Oh, and the reference photo that I painted this from comes from the image library on Wetcanvas by Fagan, called "Blue Plate Special"

First, I painted an underpainting of each color's compliment.....

then I began adding red for the table and establishing a bit of the blue-green plate.

adding highlights and shadows....

filling in the fruit with shades of oranges...

Finished painting!
Labels: blue-green, color study, dishes, fruit, orange, Split Complimentary
Hi Brenda, I've just recently seen your work on the Pastel Forum at WC. I hang out in the Fiber Arts, and sometimes in the Miniature and CPencil Forum.
Thanks so much for showing your process. I sometimes underpaint with acrylic for applying colored pencil. Is this an acrylic underpainting?
I just love your work and will be watching to see what you are up to.
Hi Cindy,
Thanks for the comments....sometimes I wonder if anyone reads this stuff! Ha!
I use an under painting of Createx paint. It is waterbased and is used for airbrushing. I use it full strength sometimes for intense color. Try it out!
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